New Crop Brazilian Sugar 2023! Now Available! Bulk loads only under contract $405.00 USD/metric ton. Spot at $450.00 USD.
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Our Commodity Broker Checklist

Our process for qualifying buyers and re-sellers is second to none. We ensure our brokers have all the information they need to make informed decisions.

Helping Brokers Improve Their Odds of Success

We want to make sure that all possible risk is mitigated for our agents when they are dealing with a new prospective buyer. Having a broker checklist does exactly that and allows for a more efficient sales cycle where no time is wasted on unlikely candidates. The checklist includes the buyer’s basic personal information, details on the commodity of interest, financial instrument preferences and required contracts for port authorities.

View our Broker Checklist


The Value Behind our Checklist

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Submit Your Broker Checklist

Once you’ve filled out the required information of the broker checklist, please submit it to our team for review via our form.